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- in seguito registrarsi al Lung Cancer 2024 –> sotto l’immagine del corso e alla descrizione, cliccare su ACCEDI –> registrazione spontanea studente —> iscrivimi
The treatment of lung cancer is evolving rapidly. Our annual meeting provides an update on data from major national and international conferences, allowing experts and participants to discuss the latest findings, put them in context and really understand how they affect our daily practice. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with faculty members who will share their views on the main controversies surrounding the management of lung cancer. Leading experts in the treatment of lung cancer will share their ideas and knowledge with congress participants with the ultimate goal of mutual enrichment.
Giuseppe Lo Russo, MD PhD
Thoracic Unit, Medical Oncology
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano IT
The conference will be held in a hybrid mode, with participants attending both in presence and online.
Both modalities, include the ECM programme (RES for presence, FAD SICRONA for online). To register, please use the form with regard to the selected participation method. It is possible to attend only one modality.
Il Convegno prevede i discenti in presenza, con accreditamento ECM in modalità RES.
Sono state accreditate le seguenti professioni sanitarie: FARMACISTA, BIOLOGO, MEDICO CHIRURGO (tutte le discipline), INFERMIERE, FISICO SANITARIO
Grand Visconti Palace Hotel (Viale Isonzo, 14, 20135 Milano MI)
E’ possibile partecipare al Convegno anche in diretta on line su piattaforma dedicata, con accreditamento ECM in modalità FAD SINCRONA.
Sono state accreditate le seguenti professioni sanitarie: FARMACISTA, BIOLOGO, MEDICO CHIRURGO (tutte le discipline), INFERMIERE, FISICO SANITARIO